
Monday 11 December 2017

BLOGMAS #10 | TAG You Might Be A Nail Polish Fantatic If..

I have a tag post, I have been meaning to post this for ages and have written it all out in my nail notebook but I haven't had time to actually post it.
1. Have you ever stopped driving because the sun just caught the sparkle of your holographic polish. What is your all time favourite holo? - I actually don't drive so I won't be pulling over anytime soon. But my favourite holographic polish is Natural Collection - Stardust. This is an absolutely beautiful silver holographic. I hope next year i will be able to get more holographic polishes next year as I don't have that many.  
2. You know the following terms; holo, sqouval, 3-free and blurple. What are you favourite blurple polish? - I know what all of those terms mean, but we have 5-free. I don't own any blurples or not that I can remember anyway.

3. You plan your vacation based on the brands available there. Which countries do you own (or want to own) polishes from? - I own quite a few American/Australian brands like Picture Polish. I want to try lots of brands in the USA, Sinful Colors even though I have tried them we just don't get very often. I also want to try Pure Ice and Wet N Wild.
4. You've slept in the parking lot of Sally Beauty because of 75% off clearance sale starts tomorrow. Where do you go for the best nail polish deals? - I would never ever stay in a parking lot just for a sale that's just stupid ha-ha. I usually go to Poundland and TkMaxx for the best deals.
5. You don't like the colour pink but still own 50 bottles of it. Have you ever purchased a polish/colour/finish but you had no idea why once you got it home? - No I like the colour pink. I am usually good when it comes to buying polishes. I always like them.
6. You've set an alarm to notify you 15 minutes before the next indie sale goes live. Which is your favourite indie brand and why? - My favourite UK indies are pretty perfect polish and ard as nails. I have never ever set an alarm though.
7. You've spent more money on a bottle of polish than lunch. What's the most expensive nail polish you've ever purchased and why? - I have purchased £12.00 Superchic Lacquer - Awkward Turtle. I have always wanted to try this nail polish.
8. You started a YT/IG channel so you can converse with others in nail speak? What's the craziest thing you've ever done in the name of getting your hands on a nail polish? - I have never done anything crazy because my life isn't really that crazy ha-ha.
9. You are on a first name basis with every drug store sales clerk within a 20 mile radius of your home. Which brand has your favourite bottle shape? Which is your least favourite bottle shape. - No I don't know any shop assistants names or anything. I love the china glaze bottle shapes and my least favourite is Nicole by opi.
10. You know the difference between cyan, cerulean and Prussian blue. What is the unusual colour/finish you own? - I probably don't know the difference between any of those blues ha-ha. The most unusual polishes I own are Polish Me Royalty and New Look Petrol.
11. You think the colour of your neighours new car would make a great polish. Ugly/pretty colours, yes or no? - YES YES YES. Ugly pretty colours are my absolute favourite shades. I just love them all.
12. You've moved to a bigger house so that there's room for your collection. How do you store and organise your collection? - I would love to move to have bigger room for my collection. I will be doing a blog post on how I store it soon.
13. You've planned a shopping trip with your girlfriends just so you can make sure you visit TKmaxx/Ulta/Rite Aid in that town. What's your favourite place out of town purchase? - I haven't ever bought anything out of town other than the UK. This really bugs me that we cant get all that beautiful polish.
14. You've sent nail mail, where is the furthest you have ever sent nail polish to? - Again I'm really boring, I haven't sent any nail mail. We actually can't send any nail polish out of the UK.
15. You've named a pet Zoya or Essie. What is your favourite mainstream brand? - My favourite brand is Models Own or BarryM.
If you said yes to at least 5 questions, you're still fairly normal. The seeds of fanaitiscim hasn't settled in yet. Oh i am disappointed I want to be crazy about nail polish.

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