
Tuesday 26 July 2016

Currently Wearing | #93

This is another one for currently wearing, the theme for this is angel. I have to admit this is the worst one I have done.

For some reason I am so ashamed of this one. I feel this is pretty bad, no wonder it hardly got any likes on instagram. Oh nail art you are tough. I used Natural Collection - Stardust. This is my first holographic nail polish. I absolutely love this and I need to use it again. Obviously if I wasn't taking part in the untried year. This is so silky smooth, it makes me want so many more nail polishes like this.


  1. Ooh that holo polish is amazing, I love it & never knew that Natural Collection did a holo polish.
    Vicky xx

    1. I know its amazing! I was searching for a silver and saw this one. It is perfect xx
