
Friday 24 July 2015

Nailbox | June 2015

Today's post I have decided to show you the June 2015 nail box. I know its July so I decided I would show the previous box as I actually received my July box this morning. So I will show you what is in here.

Nailbox is a monthly subscription box filled with nail polish and nail tools.
How It Works:So if you are a nail polish addict like myself I knew that this was the right box for me. I have never had a beauty box before so when I saw this I felt so excited.

You want to know how it works, you can by month by month which is £15.00 and then the 3 month prepay works out as £14.50. A 6 month prepay is £14.00 and then finally the whole year, 12 month prepay is £13.50 which actually works out cheaper if you pay a whole year.
This is what the box looks like and I was so excited when I opened this on the morning that it arrived. I never seem to get any post or deliveries so when I do I get very excited. So you get three nail polishes and then a top coat, as well as having a nail tool.
Lets stop waffling and going on about nailbox lets get into the exciting part the nail products and polishes

Elegant Touch - Cuticle Nipper - I desperately was in need for this as the previous week I had just bought a cuticle oil that will be featured in next week's post. I really like it and am quite impressed with them.

Nails Inc - Colville Mews - I do love a nude nail polish and I have to say I do like the new style of packaging (that is how long I haven't had a nails inc polish for). But the name of this is odd as I have no idea what it even means.

Essie - Roarrrrange - I am obsessed with orange nail polishes and I don't know why. But I really like this orange shade and the name of it is so eye-catching as well. Essie is one of those brands that I love to look at and always walk away. I was super excited when I saw this.

Seche Vite - Top Coat - I was even more excited when I saw this. I mean what is my life about when I get over excited by a top coat really. I have seen so many things about this and I felt left out really. I cannot wait to use this.

What do I think of this box?
I absolutely love love this and it makes me so excited and happy to see what is in the box when it arrives in the morning. So nailbox you are a winner in my eyes and I want every brand of nail box that is being brought out if I could as well as if I had the money.

If you want to check out the nailbox website, click here
(I bought this box with my own money and the views are all my own!)

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