I hope you are all having a lovely weekend, I haven't actually bought any nail polish. I cannot believe it!
Products Mentioned:
1. Rimmel - Bestival Blue - £2.99 Products Mentioned:
2. Rimmel - Chin Up Buttercup - £2.99
3. Rimmel - Bee A Honey - £2.99
Why Do I Want These Polishes?!
1. Rimmel - Bestival Blue - This is one of my favourite polishes, I recently wore this. I fell in love with it, it is beautiful. It is such a creamy formula and I am a very very big fan. Rimmel is a brand that I feel doesn't get talked about, but I love them. I am slowly trying to get ore of mine worn.
2. Rimmel - Chin Up Buttercup - This is a pretty yellow, it is such a pretty buttercup shade (Obviously!). Yellow isn't really my thing but I love it. This would be so gorgeous with a bee theme nail art. I don't know if this is sold anymore because I searched for it and couldn't find it.
3. Rimmel - Bee A Honey - This is another yellow polish, but this one I feel leads to a mustard shade. It is amazing, this does really remind me of a honey colour. This again I am pretty sure this isn't available anymore. But this is stunning. I need to do some more bee nail art sometime. I think this polish needs to be in my collection.